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Implement and deploy your programs anytime & anywhere with

our CI/CD services

Initiate your CI/CD automation journey and explore a versatile solution for rapid implementation and productive deployment.

  • CI/CD design and deployment

    Complete CI/CD pipeline with an accurate design and smooth deployment enabled by applying expert CI/CD services.

  • End-to-end pipeline automation

    Streamlined automation of building, testing, and deploying stages of the product’s CI/CD pipeline

  • Customized Cl/CD implementation

    Implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery services required for the customer’s business needs.

  • Continuous Delivery Assessment

    Scrupulous and constant estimation of the product improvements achieved through the CD practices adoption.

  • CI/CD design and deployment

    Complete CI/CD pipeline with an accurate design and smooth deployment enabled by applying expert CI/CD services.

  • End-to-end pipeline automation

    Streamlined automation of building, testing, and deploying stages of the product’s CI/CD pipeline

  • Customized Cl/CD implementation

    Implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery services required for the customer’s business needs.

  • Continuous Delivery Assessment

    Scrupulous and constant estimation of the product improvements achieved through the CD practices adoption.

  • CI/CD design and deployment

    Complete CI/CD pipeline with an accurate design and smooth deployment enabled by applying expert CI/CD services.

  • End-to-end pipeline automation

    Streamlined automation of building, testing, and deploying stages of the product’s CI/CD pipeline

  • Customized Cl/CD implementation

    Implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery services required for the customer’s business needs.

  • Continuous Delivery Assessment

    Scrupulous and constant estimation of the product improvements achieved through the CD practices adoption.

  • Why should you try

    our CI/CD services?

    • Deliver Updates Faster

      Continuous delivery enables faster and frequent delivery of updates to customers. When implemented properly, continuous delivery will help you always have a deployment-ready build artifact that has passed through a standardized test process

    • Efficient Software Delivery

      With continuous delivery, your team can automatically build, test, and prepare code changes for release to production, enabling a more efficient and rapid software delivery.

    • Improved Team Productivity

      CI/CD practices improve your team’s productivity by freeing developers from manual tasks, reducing the number of errors and bugs deployed to customers.

    • Reduced Costs

      Automation in the CI/CD pipeline minimizes the number of errors that can occur in the many repetitive steps of CI and CD. It also frees up developers’ time that could be spent on product development as there won’t be many code changes to fix since the errors are identified quickly.

    • Greater Collaboration

      CI/CD promotes closer team communication by enabling development, operational, management, and QA teams to collaborate on technologies, practices, and priorities.

    • Identify and Fix Bugs Quicker

      With CI/CD, your team can perform more frequent and comprehensive testing and quickly identify and address bugs earlier. Continuous delivery enables you efficiently perform additional types of code tests. The discipline of ‘more tests more frequently’ enables teams to deliver quality code with a high assurance of stability and security.

    • Improved MTTR

      Smaller code changes and quick fault isolation enabled by CI/CD practices reduce the Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR). CI/CD plays a vital role in keeping failures to a bare minimum and quickly recovering from any failures that do happen.

    Achieve Continuous Integration and Delivery with CI/CD Pipeline

    Dedicatted provide bespoke code pipelines using exquisite DevOps tools and practices that are totally compatible with the technology stack of a customer’s project

    • Supported CI/CD Platforms

    • CI/CD using AWS

    • CI/CD using Azure

    • CI/CD using GCP

    • CI/CD using Atlassian



      You need more than market can propose?



    CI/CD approach

    A well-structured strategy is an utterly important detail of the seamless CI/CD pipeline. To ensure that the chosen software is useful for the project and the IT Outposts team complies with every project requirement we align our work and stick to the plan.

  • Simultaneous use of automatic testing and manual adjustments

    At this stage, our team is redesigning for separation, automating testing, creating an automatic pipeline for workflows. Also in IT Outpost we automate the creation and settings of environments. These elements are common to all, but for each company we select personal methods for their implementation.

  • Control Cl/CD success parameters

    We determine the duration and level of stability of the build — test — delivery cycles. We find areas and opportunities for optimization. Reliability is more important than speed. These processes are "engines" that reduce elaboration and testing time, which brings the product to market faster.

  • Selecting and using a CI/CD system

    These systems provide powerful value to enterprises and their use in business processes indicates a "healthy" development of the company. When it becomes easy to build, test, and deliver new functionality, it means that the organization's response to change has greatly improved. We study ecosystems and business solutions, and consider the life cycle.

  • Ultimate Automation

    We try to automate everything that lends itself to this process as part of Cl / CD and clearly define things that cannot be automated. This is one of the core processes in DevOps that makes CI/CD possible. We give you the ability to choose the processes and practices that make infrastructure as a service and manage settings.

  • Simultaneous use of automatic testing and manual adjustments

    At this stage, our team is redesigning for separation, automating testing, creating an automatic pipeline for workflows. Also in IT Outpost we automate the creation and settings of environments. These elements are common to all, but for each company we select personal methods for their implementation.

  • Control Cl/CD success parameters

    We determine the duration and level of stability of the build — test — delivery cycles. We find areas and opportunities for optimization. Reliability is more important than speed. These processes are "engines" that reduce elaboration and testing time, which brings the product to market faster.

  • Selecting and using a CI/CD system

    These systems provide powerful value to enterprises and their use in business processes indicates a "healthy" development of the company. When it becomes easy to build, test, and deliver new functionality, it means that the organization's response to change has greatly improved. We study ecosystems and business solutions, and consider the life cycle.

  • Ultimate Automation

    We try to automate everything that lends itself to this process as part of Cl / CD and clearly define things that cannot be automated. This is one of the core processes in DevOps that makes CI/CD possible. We give you the ability to choose the processes and practices that make infrastructure as a service and manage settings.

  • Contact our experts!