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Cloud migrationis the process of moving all digital resources to the cloud from either on-premise deployments or from another cloud. Formulating a robust cloud migration strategy is the first step toward migration. As of today, most organizations already have at least one cloud component in their architecture. But according to statistics, on average, businesses estimate that they waste 30% of their spending on the cloud. In fact, 61% of them plan on optimizing their existing cloud utilization.

Cloud Migration Strategies

6 Rs of migration strategy

There are different types of cloud migration strategies that a company can consider following. Gartner calls these the «6 Rs of migration strategy» with lately extension from Amazon.

  • Rehosting

  • Repurchasing

  • Retaining

  • Replatforming

  • Retiring

  • Refactoting

We will help to find and apply migration strategy that will fit all your business needs!

Our Cloud Migration Process

  • 1. Discover

    Gain an understanding of your goals and objectives driving your move to the cloud.

  • 2. Assess

    Conduct an assessment of your current workloads, server configurations (virtual / physical) network architecture, security concerns, and compliance requirements.

  • 3. Plan

    Develop a custom cloud migration plan based on your applications, databases, storage, network topology, and servers.

  • 4. Migrate

    Migrate to the new environment and testing of the initial deployment.

  • 5. Optimize

    Monitor and optimize your cloud solutions for performance and savings.

  • 6. Evolve

    Move the application to its steady state where our managed service practice can run and maintain it.

Cloud Migration Customers


How do you know if my application belongs on one platform vs. another?

Different platforms have different advantages — that’s why we always let the application drive the requirements for the infrastructure. For applications that run 24/7 and need a lot of feeding and care, our private cloud migrations options work particularly well both from a performance and cost perspective. For variable workloads, those that need to align with traffic patterns, and workloads that demand a complete kill and rebuild process frequently, Amazon cloud migration may be the better fit. And for those in the middle, we can work on a hybrid cloud adoption plan that meets all your needs.

Cloud Architecture and Migration

Cloud architecture is the design of systems that are built on top of cloud computing platforms. It encompasses everything from how data is stored and accessed, to how applications are designed and deployed. A key part of cloud architecture is cloud migration: the process of moving applications, workloads, and database migration from on premise to AWS cloud.

There are many benefits to cloud application migration, including increased flexibility, scalability, and cost savingsHere at Dedicatted we offer the best cloud migration services, but before you begin, it's important to understand the different types of cloud architectures and create a cloud migration project plan.

Cloud Migration Strategies

There are a number of different cloud migration strategies that businesses can use, depending on their specific needs. Some common strategies include lift and shift, re-platforming, and re-architecting.

  • lift and shift: This strategy involves moving your existing data and applications to the cloud without making any changes to them. This type of data migration to the cloud is often the quickest and easiest method, but it can also be the most expensive;

  • re-platforming: This strategy involves making some changes to your existing applications before migrating them to the cloud. For example, you might need to update your application to be compatible with a new cloud platform. This can take longer than a lift and shift migration, but it can save you money in the long run;

  • re-architecting: This strategy involves completely redesigning your applications using cloud migration tools before migrating them to the cloud. This is often the most time-consuming and expensive option, but it can also offer the biggest benefits in terms of performance and scalability.

AWS Cloud Migration

There are many reasons for going through the process of migration into cloud, but one of the most compelling is the cost savings. Switching to cloud computing is typically much less expensive than buying on-premise infrastructure, particularly when you factor in the costs of maintenance, upgrades, and energy consumption.

Another benefit in cloud migration is the scalability of resources. With on-premise infrastructure, you are limited by the physical space and capacity of your servers. In the cloud, you can easily scale up or down as needed, without having to make a substantial investment in new hardware.

If you're considering migrating to the cloud, cloud migration to AWS is a great option. AWS offers a wide range of services to help you with application migration to cloud. And, with AWS Migration Hub, you can track the progress of your migration and monitor for any issues.

On Premise to Cloud Migration Strategy

The application migration to cloud has been a game-changer for businesses of all sizes. The ability to scale up or down quickly, pay only for what you use, and enjoy increased agility and flexibility are just some of the benefits that have made the cloud so popular.

Here are the four key considerations for on-premises-to-cloud migration:

1. Assess Your Workloads

Before you can begin migrating your workloads to the cloud, you need to first assess which workloads are a good fit for the cloud. Not all workloads are well suited for the cloud—some may be better off remaining on-premises due to regulatory requirements or performance needs.

2. Select Your Platform

There are a number of different options available—from public clouds like AWS and Azure to private clouds and hybrid clouds—so it's important to select the platform that best meets your needs.

3. Migrate Your Data

This can be a challenging process, especially if you have large amounts of data. There are a number of migration tools and techniques that can help, but it's important to plan carefully before beginning.

4. Test and Validate

This will help ensure that there are no disruptions during the transition and that your applications perform as expected.

Contact our Cloud Migration Team!