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Kubernetes Consulting
and Certified Distribution

Automate operational tasks of container management and include built-in commands for monitoring, deploying, scaling, and rolling out changes to the applications.

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    Automated Operations

    Deployment and Scaling of day- to-day Automation to facilitate DevOps speed to market and application elasticity.

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    Infrastructure Abstraction

    Networking, compute, and storage management on behalf of workloads allows developers to focus on applications.

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    Service Health Monitoring

    Continuous health checks, restart containers that fail or have stalled and making services available to users while running.

Why should you use Kubernetes?

Kubernetes promises to solve core deployment,
maintenance and system reliability problems

  • Disaster Recovery

    Ensures that your application will always have the latest data and states of your application if something unfortunate happens to your physical or cloud-based infrastructure.

  • High Availability

    Your application will always be up and running, whether you have a new update to roll-out or have some unexpected pods crashing.

  • Observability

    Kubernetes offers a complete picture of your infrastructure -- its strengths, gaps, and areas of improvement to help you build a resilient system. Logs, Metrics and Traces - three pillars of Kubernetes Observability.

  • Scalability

    Ensures high performance of your application, whether you have a single user or a thousand users flooding your application concurrently.

  • Flexibility

    Kubernetes can work with virtually any type of underlying infrastructure -- whether it is a public cloud, a private cloud, or an on-premises server -- so long as the host operating system is some version of Linux or Windows (2016 or newer).

Enterprise Scale Solutions
on Leading Multi-Cloud Providers

Kubernetes promises to solve core deployment,
maintenance and system reliability problems

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    Amazon EKS

    Amazon VPC for isolation, Elastic Load Balancing, IAM for authentication and Amazon ECR for container images.

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    Google Services (GKE)

    Resource efficiency, automated operations, scalability, flexibility and accelerate time to market.

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    Azure Service (AKS)

    Elastic provisioning, faster development cycle, Accelerate containerized app development and security-driven.

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    DEDICATTED solution

    You need more than market can propose?



  • Full cycle kubernetes

    Evaluating your current workload is essential when choosing a cloud network type. Every type of workload requires different specifications in hybrid cloud services. Take an inward look at your usage and needs.

  • Certified

    Evaluating your current workload is essential when choosing a cloud network type. Every type of workload requires different specifications in hybrid cloud services. Take an inward look at your usage and needs.

  • Following global
    and own best practices

    Evaluating your current workload is essential when choosing a cloud network type. Every type of workload requires different specifications in hybrid cloud services. Take an inward look at your usage and needs.

  • All types
    of k8s service

    Evaluating your current workload is essential when choosing a cloud network type. Every type of workload requires different specifications in hybrid cloud services. Take an inward look at your usage and needs.

  • Full cycle kubernetes

    Evaluating your current workload is essential when choosing a cloud network type. Every type of workload requires different specifications in hybrid cloud services. Take an inward look at your usage and needs.

  • Certified

    Evaluating your current workload is essential when choosing a cloud network type. Every type of workload requires different specifications in hybrid cloud services. Take an inward look at your usage and needs.


Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally designed by Google, and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Kubernetes is widely adopted in the DevOps community, and is often used in conjunction with other open-source tools such as Ansible and Terraform.

Kubernetes Container Support

Kubernetes is a powerful tool for managing containers at scale. But it can be challenging to get started with Kubernetes, especially if you're coming from a traditional infrastructure background.

That's where Dedicatted comes in. Our team of experts has years of experience providing Kubernetes support, and can help you get up and running quickly and efficiently. We can also help you migrate your existing workloads to Kubernetes, so you can take advantage of its many benefits.

Kubernetes migration from AWS to Azure

If you're considering migrating your Kubernetes cluster from AWS to Azure, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, make sure you have a good understanding of both platforms and how they differ, and create a proper Kubernetes migration strategy. There are a few key areas where Kubernetes with

Azure DevOps and AWS differ:

  • Security: Azure offers a lot more built-in security features than AWS does, so if AWS Kubernetes security is important to you then Azure is the way to go.

  • DevOps: Both platforms offer excellent DevOps with Kubernetes support, but Azure's integration with Visual Studio makes it slightly easier to set up and use than Kubernetes DevOps AWS.

  • Databases: If you're using a database that's not compatible with Azure (such as MySQL), then you'll need to migrate it before moving to Azure. Database migrations can be complicated and time-consuming, so make sure you plan ahead.

Openshift to Kubernetes Migration

There are many reasons to migrate from Openshift to Kubernetes. Kubernetes is more widely adopted, has better community support, and is more feature-rich. Additionally, Kubernetes is more flexible and extensible, making it a better fit for DevOps environments. And finally, many of the leading cloud providers offer managed Kubernetes services, making it easier to get started with Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Consulting

If you're looking for Kubernetes consulting, you've come to the right place. At Dedicatted, we have a team of experts who are well-versed in all things Kubernetes. We can help you with everything from PCF to Kubernetes migration to cloud native DevOps with Kubernetes. Plus, we can help you migrate your existing applications to Kubernetes with ease. So if you're ready to take your business to the next level with Kubernetes, contact us today for a free consultation.

Contact our experts!
